UW Faculty and Staff Christian Fellowship

Tradition-Cal Dewitt

Banner image: Biocore Prairie, Lakeshore Nature Preserve

Cal Dewitt

Cal DeWitt [image source link]
Cal DeWitt is professor emeritus in UW-Madison's Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and a great friend of Christian faculty and staff at UW_Madison. Cal is a founder of modern approaches to Christian environmental stewardship. Cal's zest for God's creation, his joyful approach to his scholarship, and his winsome engagement with local and national governments, others interested in environmental stewardship, and with the Church, have established him as a leading spokesperson regarding Creation Care.There are many resources that allow you to sample some of Cal's wit and wisdom. Here are a few:

Interview on Krista Tippett's On Being (American Public Radio) episode “Discovering Where We Live: Reimagining Environmentalism” [link]
“How to Be Busy, Productive, and Happy” (2007 InterVarsity Faculty Camp, Cedar Campus; [link])
Audio (mp3)
DeWitt, C. B. 2007. The Professor and the Pupil: Addressing Secularization and Disciplinary Fragmentation in Academia. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 59(2):119-127, 2007. [

Two engaging books by Call are the following:
DeWitt, C.B. 2012. Song of a Scientist: The Harmony of a God-Soaked Creation. Grand Rapids: Square Inch Books, 272pp. (Forward by Bill McKibben). [
DeWitt, C.B. 2011. Earth-Wise: A Guide to Hopeful Creation Care, 3rd edition. Grand Rapids: FaithAlive, 158pp. (Forward by Joel C. Hunter) [

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